This new, full-length standalone session focuses on training Bambi to be a ditzy, vacuous, superficial platinum blonde, locking in all the mannerisms, speech and thought patterns, interests, personality and lifestyle changes that come with that.
01 Sleepygirl Salon
Induction for the makeover session. Bambi is prepared for her makeover and placed in a deep sleep to ensure her treatment is fully effective.
02 Mentally Platinum Blonde
Core programming for the mental makeover session. Rewrites Bambi’s mental state and thought patterns to lock her in as a platinum blonde barbie doll.
03 Automatic Airhead
Extreme bubbleheaded ditziness conditioning. Wipes away intelligence and independence, and programs behaviour for everyday situations, leaving a helplessly automatic and simple airhead valley girl.
07 Makeover Awakener
Reinforcement and awakening as a newly made over vacant blonde bimbo princess.
01. Sleepygirl Salon (11:44)
02. Mentally Platinum Blonde (15:44)
03. Automatic Airhead (15:56)
04. Makeover Awakener (05:28)