Stormy Petrelle – Succubus Seance

01. Succubus Seance (22:27)
You have entered a Dark and Seductive Universe. A Realm filled with Intimacy, temptation…and evil. I am Stormy Petrelle. High Priestess of Lucifer. You will now be participating in My Sexual Succubus Seance. I begin painting a large, dark red pentagram around you. I open an old and tattered tome, a book filled with incantations and evil magicks. You feel an overwhelming sense of lust and dread intermingled. It feels dark, but you want to hear from this book. You need it. You feel as if you can’t go without. Your thoughts stop as I open My mouth. "The Flesh Vessel has been prepared. It is time to open the Portal to the Dark Dimensions!"
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